Ever wonder what it takes to see God’s blessing and growth in your church? Me, too!
I’m looking forward to partnering with you over the next six weeks as we discover what I believe are the keys to building a healthy church.
The Back Story
Years ago I committed to do whatever I could to fulfill the Great Commission and to help as many people as possible do the same. I suspect you have, too. Let me tell you a little of my story:
My wife and I founded New Song Community Church in 1992.
In 1996, I was reading Acts 2:47, where Luke reported that in the church in Jerusalem, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” I remarked more than prayed, “Lord, someday I’d like to be part of a church like that.”
He said to me, “Then why don’t you ask me for that?”
So I did. I said, “Lord, would you enable the church I pastor to someday see a person a day come to Christ.”
The previous year, New Song had led 53 people to Christ – one every seven days. That year I asked him to enable us to lead 61 to Christ – one every six days. The following year it was one every five days. Then every four days; then three, then two, then one.
For the past 17 years, we have seen more than one person per day come to Christ. Sometimes I still can’t believe what’s happening here. God has been so faithful.
It probably won’t happen quite the same for you. The Lord seems to like to do something unique in every work of his hands. What I would like to do is to help you and your church move toward greater effectiveness in seeing newcomers come to Christ and veterans grow in Christlikeness.
If this is the desire of your heart, please take a minute to ask the Lord to lead us together in further effectiveness for the cause of Christ.
“Lord, I want to see you use me and my church to reach and grow as many as possible in Christ. Please grow me as a leader, and entrust our church with more and greater fruitfulness for you. I recommit myself to your Great Commission.”
Your Three Most Powerful Forces
I asked you to pray because the Holy Spirit is the most important entity in increasing the effectiveness of your church. We can do nothing without him (John 15:6, 7).
You might be surprised at how much I’m going to ask you to pray over the next few weeks, and how important increasing prayer is in your church. More on that later.
Next to the Holy Spirit, the most powerful force for enabling your church to reach its community is momentum.
With momentum, everything is easier. Without momentum, everything is harder. Your leadership is perceived as stronger, better and more dynamic when momentum is on your side. Life is more fun. Ministry is more fun. And sometimes even your family life is more fun with the wind of momentum at your back.
The really good news is: momentum is usually built one simple step at a time.
A Definition
No doubt you’ve read stories about churches growing by hundreds, and thousands, a year. That’s a great kind of momentum, but it’s not the kind of momentum I’m aiming for.
To be clear, for our purposes, when I say momentum, I mean:
- Seeing newcomers coming to Christ
- Seeing your members growing in Christ.
If we can develop this kind of momentum in your church, you just might see a large numerical increase. But if all you see is a numerical increase without new people coming to Christ and older ones growing spiritually, I won’t be satisfied – and I hope you won’t either. If most of your attendance increase comes from transferring Christians from one church to another that will do nothing to fulfill the Great Commission.
Next to the Holy Spirit and momentum, the third most powerful force in your church is you. If you are the pastor, you have been called by God to lead and inspire a group of people to build Christ’s church. It starts with you. You (and the Holy Spirit) are the key to momentum. Your church will never outpace your vision, your enthusiasm, or your sense of faith in where God is leading and what he can do.
Gaining and Sustaining Momentum
Great movements are built by implementing one simple step at a time. So, for the next six weeks, I’m going to ask you to take several simple steps forward every week.
This first week’s actions may seem too slow for you. Trust me. When a rocket fires its engines, it doesn’t move very far in the first few seconds. Momentum is a force that builds, then moves, then accelerates – and keeps accelerating – over time. Three weeks from now you will have plenty to do, and be excited about doing it all. Six weeks from now, you’ll have at least a year’s worth of implementations that will set your church on a new trajectory.
The first step I’d like you to take is to gain momentum by freeing more of the Holy Spirit’s power in you through prayer. Ephesians 1:18-20 tells us that the power that raised Christ from the dead is available to you. Begin building momentum by tapping into that power!
Taking Action
Here’s what I’d like you to do this week:
Assignment 1 – Pray
Spend time in Acts 2:42-47 looking at what God did in the first church. As you read and pray, ask him to reveal to you what he is doing and wants to do in your community. As you gain clarity on his vision and activity, pray with increasing fervor that he will find favor with your church and allow you to join him in his work.
Prayer is a mixture of asking and listening.
The region where I pastor was formed by a river which carved a valley to the sea. Every morning I ask, “Lord, give me this valley.” I also pray, “And Lord, if you want to bring revival to this area, like Isaiah, I am raising my hand. If you’re looking for someone to lead, or use in any way, choose me.”
When you’re stopped at a stoplight, pray for every person in every car you can see. Ask God to bring them to Christ, and, if he’s willing, to use you and your church to bring them to Christ.
When you’re at the gym, look around and silently pray that God would use you and your church to reach each person you see. Don’t just pray this generally; pray it specifically for every face you see. “Lord, if that man doesn’t know you, please use me and our church to lead him to you.”
When you’re picking up your kids at school; when you’re in the grocery store; when you’re walking into the theater; pray for the people of your city.
If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit. … If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you. (John 15:5, 7)
More importantly, on the listening side, I want to hear whatever the Lord wants to say to me and do whatever he wants me to do. So, with the vision he has so far revealed to me, I pray,
“Lord, what are your marching orders? How do you want me to join you in your work today? Is there anything else you want to say to me? Anything else you want me to know or be aware of today? My greatest desire is not to make my own plans and ask you to bless them, but to follow you and be used by you however you want to use me.”
Listen for God’s voice (John 10:27). Ask him specifically:
- “Lord, how do you want me to play a part in the Great Commission?”
- “What is your vision and desire for my church?”
- “For my city/town/village/region?”
- “Based on the type of person you made me to be, and the background, size, personalities and resources you’ve given our church, how do you want to love the world through us?”
The most important pieces of information you are seeking are: what is God’s desire for your life, your ministry, your church, and your area? You may have to ask your questions a few times to hear and confirm what you’re hearing. And you may need to ask them in several different ways. Each time you pray, begin by asking the Lord to speak to you. Tell him you want to hear nothing but his voice – not your voice or any other voice, only his voice. Then listen and write down what you hear.
There is no action you can take that is more powerful than hearing from God and discerning his desires. Begin praying more frequently, fervently and faithfully, and never cease (1 Thess. 5:17).
Assignment 2 – Fast (If your health will allow.)
Sometime this week, skip food and spend extra time in prayer. If you’re not in the habit of fasting (especially if your body is used to caffeine and sugar), fast until noon devoting that time to prayer. If you’re up for a bigger challenge, try fasting from sun up to sundown; or if you’re able, fast for 24 hours.
Fasting will refine you, and reveal what owns you (Mt. 4:4).
Remember what the Lord said in 2 Chronicles 16:9:
“The eyes the Lord range throughout the earth to strength those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
You are committed to the Lord, or you wouldn’t be purposing to improve your leadership like this. Fasting will increase your commitment to him, and rivet his eyes on you.
You were hoping to start doing something earthshaking with this first letter. Believe me, you are. (See Acts 4:31 and 16:25-26.) This first week is like pressing the ignition switch. Your momentum rocket won’t get off the launching pad, but it will be building up power for an incredible ride!
Next Time
Expect your second letter in a few days. Each letter will include some assignments to help you build momentum. As you complete these assignments, I believe the Lord’s eyes will be on you and he’ll be strengthening you for the building of his church.
Next time I will teach you a technique for deepening your burden for the people in your area. And I’ll give you the first of three scriptural lessons you can use to help your church develop a burden for your area. After that, we’ll be hitting the ground rolling!
God bless you,
Hal Seed is the founding and lead pastor of New Song Community Church in Oceanside, California. Get more resources and equipping for leading a better church at PastorMentor.com.
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