Being a pastor in 2024 means that we have to work on our own godly selves as much as we work on the ministry so that we have the courage and the strength to persevere. It’s like we have four buckets to fill to find ministry success. Research from a 2021 Lifeway survey reports that: […]
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13 Ways to Make Halloween a Time for Outreach and Church Growth
Are you conflicted about how your church should handle Halloween? Some families enter in while others strongly don’t. If your church does something to celebrate, are you giving ground to the evil one? Those are valid concerns. In our earliest years, we went back and forth on the issue. But with the benefit of experience […]

The Surprising Way you can Overcome Obstacles in Ministry
See how you can manage your perspective on your trials and learn how to overcome obstacles in your ministry. When I talk with pastors in person and online, there is a common theme: we all face challenges that threaten to undo us. It may be church members or staff leaving painfully. It may be a […]

8 Steps to Help You Hear from God when you Need Leadership Direction
Of all the skills required to lead a local church, maybe the most important is the ability to hear from God about the direction of your church. Every church and Christian movement needs a Moses (and only one Moses) who can ascend the mountain and hear from God about His desires and direction for His […]

Would you like a free 2024 Church Calendar Planner from PastorMentor?
Are you the kind of person who likes to plan? If you are, you probably have your sermon series lined out for 2024, you know the date for next Easter, and you could tell me what’s coming at your church six months from now. You’re the kind of person who loves a good plan, and […]

How to Capture Growth and Momentum from a Church Campaign
Your church-wide campaign can capture growth and bring lasting momentum. I know it feels risky to have a church campaign. You go to all the trouble to choose a campaign, get small group leaders on board, persuade your church members to buy the individual study guides. And what if nothing happens. I understand your concern. […]

27 Great Books on Prayer for Pastors to Read and Recommend
Prayer is the highway that takes us into God’s presence. Reading a book on prayer is like putting gas in the tank. Why don’t we pray more? Well, we’re busy and distracted, we’re hounded by evil forces coming against prayer, or we forget that apart from Jesus we can do nothing (John 15:4). When you read […]

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