The first step in reaching your community is attracting people to your church. Here are some proven ways to get your city to notice your church, and then to start showing up for weekend services.
9 Dynamic Ways to Widen your Church’s Front Door
Equip your church members to be recommenders and inviters and you will open wide your church’s front door.
How to Grow your Church in Leaps and Bounds
Grow your church by hosting interesting and relevant special events that attract newcomers.
Which is the Best Marketing Tool to Reach your Neighborhood
Use these four tools to reach your neighborhood as part of your church marketing plan.
How to Get your Money’s Worth out of Postcards
Unsure how to make church marketing postcards worth it? Follow these six tips to make mailing to your neighborhoods productive.
How to Grow your Church with Great Guest Speaker
Here’s best things to do and mistakes to avoid when your church hosts a guest speaker.
[Ebook] Attracting More Newcomers
Wondering how to attract people to your church? This ebook will equip you to excel in attracting newcomers, particularly the unchurched, to your congregation.