No pressure, but the effectiveness of your church in large part rests on your godly, leadership shoulders. Check out this digest for perspective, help, and challenge as you become the leader God intends for his church.

The 3 Simple Behaviors of Successful People
There are six of us. All are pastors. All of them lead mega-mega churches. And we get together every January for a Pastors’ Roundtable Retreat.
This year I saw that these successful friends of mine have three things in common.
Try these simple behaviors of my successful friends…
8 Simple Practices to be a Better Leader and More Successful Pastor [Free Download]
It might be some comfort to know that we all face the same issues.
Here are 8 personal practices that will help you overcome the discouragements pastors face – and be a better leader and a more successful pastor.
Every Pastor’s Top Ten Goals
Around this time of year, every leader I know is goaded by Isaiah 32:8
“The noble man makes noble plans and by noble deeds he stands.”
I set my goals for next year this week. Some of them are personal, some professional, some physical, some familial. The process got me thinking.
Are there some goals every pastor ought to write in stone and just commit to every day? I think there are.
How to Plan the Perfect Pastor’s Sabbatical
There are barriers. You aren’t usually handed a sabbatical. You have to ask. And you have to make it work.
Would you like to take a Sabbatical?
It’s doable. Here’s how you can make it happen.
7 Surprising Barna Trends will Make you a Stronger Pastor
Have you seen Barna Trends 2018?
I know. So much to read and so little time… But you don’t want to miss this.
Because knowing what’s going on makes you a stronger pastor.
Here are 7 insights drawn from the data that will help you be a more successful church leader.
8 Easy Ways to be a Resilient Pastor
When I get together with pastor friends we have similar stories. Along with the stories of God’s work and provision, we share challenges, discouragements, and burdens. Maybe you’re like me and my friends.
We persevere, but there are struggles.
Pastor, here’s how you can practice resilience when you are in the middle of something hard. You can be a resilient pastor.
Hal Seed is the founding and Lead Pastor of New Song Community Church in Oceanside, CA. He mentors pastors who want to lead healthy, growing churches with resources at
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