Your church-wide campaign can capture growth and bring lasting momentum. I know it feels risky to have a church campaign. You go to all the trouble to choose a campaign, get small group leaders on board, persuade your church members to buy the individual study guides. And what if nothing happens. I understand your concern. […]
Hold a Church Campaign
6 Ways to Know You’ll Choose the Best Church Campaign
How do you choose the best church campaign? Choosing a church campaign is a decision that’s easy to put off. The stakes are high. And it’s hard to tell from a couple of web pages if a campaign will be a success in your church. Will the unchurched be drawn to come? Will your congregation be motivated […]
The Definitive Guide to Launching a Church Campaign
Did you know that a church campaign attracts your community, challenges your members, and boosts momentum in your church? And what I like best is that it’s not rocket science. You can pull off a successful campaign with a little effort and a lot of clarity about what to do. There are five key areas to nail when […]
How to Know if a Church Campaign will Help your Church Grow
How can you know if a church campaign will help your church grow? Are you willing to try something new to see growth in your church? Now is the time to think about making a bold move in the fall. Growth doesn’t happen if we don’t try and if we don’t plan for it. Churches […]
How to Teach your Church to Love the Bible
A good chunk of your congregation doesn’t open the Bible except on Sunday mornings. A 2017 survey by LifeWay Research found that of people who attend church regularly, only 39% try to read something in the Bible daily. Pardon my bluntness, but what are you going to do about that, Pastor? The lethargy we see […]
How to Get Everyone on the Same Page in your Church
Unity. Momentum. Maturity. We’re always wanting more of it in our churches. Here’s the story of what happened in one church when they used a church-wide campaign to build momentum, ignite unity, and inspire maturity. Guest Post by Larry Barker, Director of Church Planting for BMAA and Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Texas. How one church grew […]
The Best Way to Reach your Community with their God Questions
How are you feeling about the growth and evangelism in your church? Me, too. It’s always a battle. At New Song we will do anything short of sin to lead people to Jesus. As a result, we’ve tried a lot of things to reach our community for Christ. Some strategies have worked better than others. Here’s an idea that […]
How to Win People to Jesus by Answering their Questions
Years ago, a lady who didn’t attend church made an appointment to see me. She had questions and thought a pastor could answer them. Her biggest question was, “If there is a God, why is there so much suffering in this world?” It’s everybody’s biggest question. We talked awhile. I gave her an answer, but […]